Protejarea Tratamentelor chimice: Colorare si Decolorarea.
SMK Plex maximizeaza performanta tratamentului de colorare si Decolorare, reparand structura moleculara pe durata asteptarii tratamentului chimic in sine. SMK Plex contine tri-glicerina, acid sebacic, keratina 100% si conditionatori profunzi.
Mod de folosire: Amestecati 4 ml cu 50 g de vopsea, crema sau pudra decolorante , cu 50/100ml de oxidant si continuati cu aplicatul pe parSmk complex maximises the performance of the treatment of bleaching and colouring, reparing the molecular structure during exposure to the chemical treatment applied. Contains triglycerines, sebacic acid, and 100% keratin.
How to use: mix 4 ml with 50 g of colour or bleaching cream and 50 /100 ml hydrogen peroxide and proceed with the treatment.