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Cod SKU: EN326
387,00lei Preț normal
290,25leiPreț redus
  • Protejarea Tratamentelor chimice: Colorare si Decolorarea.
    SMK Plex maximizeaza performanta tratamentului de colorare si Decolorare, reparand structura moleculara pe durata asteptarii tratamentului chimic in sine. SMK Plex contine tri-glicerina, acid sebacic, keratina 100% si conditionatori profunzi.

    Mod de folosire: Amestecati 4 ml cu 50 g de vopsea, crema sau pudra decolorante , cu 50/100ml de oxidant si continuati cu aplicatul pe par

  • Smk complex maximises the performance of the treatment of bleaching and colouring, reparing the molecular structure during exposure to the chemical treatment applied. Contains triglycerines, sebacic acid, and 100% keratin.


    How to use: mix 4 ml with 50 g of colour or bleaching cream and 50 /100 ml hydrogen peroxide and proceed with the treatment.

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