Sampon tratament anti-matreata cu trico-hyal 1000ml
Cod SKU: EN259
Combate formarea matretii, prevenind reaparitia acesteia. Are actiune de curatare si antifungica. Contine Trico-hyal pe baza de acid hyaluronic, polifenoli si polinucleotide.
Mod de folosire: aplicati cca 10 ml de produs pe parul umed, masati si clatiti.
Combats the formation of dandruff, preventing it from recurring. It has cleansing and antifungal properties. Contains Tricho-hyal based on hyaluronic acid, polyphenols and polynucleotides.
How to use: apply 10ml of shampoo on wet hair, massage it and wash it.